Wednesday, July 31, 2019
New Balance Athletic Shoes Case
Operations Management and Management Science Case Study Capacity Planning New Balance Athletic Shoes Summary James Davis is the president and general manager of New Balance Athletic Shoes. The Boston, Massachusetts based company began producing corrective shoes and arch supports in 1906. New Balance garnered a reputation for quality specialty footwear when in the 1950's it began producing running shoes for men. It is the beginning of 1978 and Mr. Davis has a number of important decisions to make regarding the future of his growing company. In recent years the demand for running shoes has experienced explosive growth.The increasing popularity of the sport of running requires James Davis to carefully evaluate the accuracy of the company's sales forecast. Mr. Davis knows that precise forecasting is the key to providing good-quality service by meeting customer demand. Another effect of increasing demand on New Balance is the necessity for expansion. Mr. Davis must evaluate a number of op tions for expanding production capacity in order to meet increased demand for his company's products. This report will attempt to offer James Davis sound advice in regards to the evaluation of sales forecasts and expansion options. We will also present Mr.Davis with an alternate sales forecast and an evaluation of New Balance's sales representative network. Analysis: Upon reviewing New Balance's 1978-1981 domestic sales forecast, it is decided that James Davis may have reason to be apprehensive. Davis needs to be sure that the forecasted sales increases, which range from 117% to 286% of 1977's sales, are truly warranted. Although Davis knows that demand for running shoes is skyrocketing, he should also know that that does not guarantee sales. The maturing preferences of the shoe consumer have been evident in the ever changing ratings of Runner's World magazine's top ten shoes.Upon reviewing the lists of top ten shoes we realized that product development is not only a key to New Bala nce's success, but is also a key to success for a majority of its competitors. While only 2 of the top 10 running shoes of 1975 were introduced within a year of being rated, the following two years of ratings were filled with a majority of newly developed products. The 1976 ratings listed 7 of 10 running shoes which had been introduced within a year of being rated, and the 1977 ratings listed 6 of 10 running shoes which had been introduced within a year of being rated as well as 1 of the 10 that had been substantially redesigned.The achievement of new products in Runner's World magazine's rankings proves that product development is going to be one of the biggest keys to New Balance's future success. While New Balance has a reputation for producing quality footwear, we must urge Mr. Davis to insure that his company remains on the leading edge of running shoe development. In the past, New Balance has been able to distinguish itself by offering its shoes in varying widths. While making varying widths available has set the company apart from its competition in the past, we predict that it will eventually become an industry standard.Much of the recent success of New Balance was due to the rave reviews of the newly developed 320. New Balance product designers, working in unison with a world-class distance runner, found that a built up heel wedge and midsole greatly improved the comfort of the shoe. The design team also reduced the sole thickness of the 320, which in turn reduced the shoe weight and thus the runner's level of fatigue associated with their footwear. These are the innovations that New Balance must continue to excel in if it wishes to meet its forecasted sales.Development of new shoe designs and the use of new materials will allow New Balance to produce the lighter and more flexible shoes the running public desires. Another product development related recommendation we would like to make to New Balance is in regards to its competition. New Balance can n o longer be content following industry leaders such as Adidas and Nike. Although the two large shoe manufacturers produce nearly 70% of the product available, smaller companies such as New Balance, Brooks, and Etonic have been able to make enormous headway into the market.Adidas and Nike, being larger more top heavy corporations, will naturally have longer time periods between research and development and product release. We suggest that New Balance take advantage of its smaller size by releasing the types of new products previously detailed at a faster pace than their larger competitors. It is in this area that we feel New Balance's demand forecast is flawed. The forecast's short term reliance on current products in the company's shoe line is an error that may cause New Balance sales. As evidenced by the average two year appearance in Runner's World ratings, the life span of a running shoe is short.We do not believe that New Balance can rely on the 320 to carry sales until their ne w trainer is available (;1yr. ) to gain market share. New Balance needs to rapidly release newly developed, state of the art running shoes prior to both industry leaders to put the company in a position to capture additional market share. In addition to believing that New Balance's product mix has been forecasted incorrectly, we also contend that it has been somewhat overestimated. The following alternate demand forecast estimates overall market demand, as well as demand estimates for specific consumer categories.Please take note of the assumptions that were made in the creation of the forecast. Next, we look at New Balance's sales representative network and its relationship to the company's production facility location. The most important aspects to note concerning New Balance's distribution, is the over representation in the northeast, and the under representation in the West. While New Balance has been able to maintain a strong market share in the northeast where a majority of it s sales representatives are located, the company's market share is low in the west where the largest portion of the running shoe market is located.Due to this under representation, the western sales region represents a great deal of untapped potential for the company. Although having its production facility located in the northeast has helped New Balance build up its market share in that particular region, the company should consider the advantage of having a more westward located facility to help strengthen its presence in the region. Finally, we are going to address New Balance's various options for capacity expansion.In addition to running a second shift, alternate sites for new facilities have been located in Lawrence, Massachusetts, the state of Texas, and the country of Ireland. The following table details the financial aspects associated with each expansion option. Beginning with the option of starting a second shift, you can see that Mr. Davis' belief that this option is not viable holds true. On the one hand, a second shift is not the best financial decision for New Balance because of both higher expenses (Labor Cost), and lower projected earnings due to lower capacity (1500).On the other hand, a second shift is not the best option from a human relations perspective. Mr. Davis has made mention of various concerns regarding company employees such as finding good stitchers and supervisors, keeping morale high, and preventing unionization. Mr. Davis has also located an available production facility in Ireland. This site does have the advantage of having a lower labor cost, a lower facility cost, lower equipment costs, and savings from both a tax holiday and available grants. While the Ireland location does have certain benefits, there are a number of critical drawbacks.The negative aspects of the Ireland facility are a slightly lower capacity potential, and very costly international freight costs. Both of these factors greatly reduce Irelands estimated a fter tax earnings, and are the reasons we are recommending Ireland as the second worst choice for New Balance. The next site to be considered is the Lawrence facility. This location has qualities that should appeal to New Balance. The Lawrence site is the largest of the company's options, has local government willing to offer relocation assistance, and is close to the Everett St. ocation and its network of material suppliers. In addition to these qualities; it has been found that there are a number of local experienced shoe workers in need of work. Although these factors make Lawrence attractive to the company, they are offset by the site's shortcomings. Lawrence has a higher labor costs, moderate rental costs, a short lease term, and a high state tax liability which makes the site the second best choice for New Balance. Texas remains as the last site evaluated, and is the recommended site for New Balance.Although there are some negative aspects in regards to Texas, such as higher m aterials and overhead costs as well as higher rental costs, they are outweighed by the sites positive points. While moderate labor costs, the absence of state taxes on corporate income and the availability of skilled workers are all good reasons to recommend Texas, it is its westward location which is the key to Texas' potential. As mentioned earlier, New Balances lack of presence in the west is costing the company potential market share in an area highly populated with runners.Having a centrally located production facility will no doubt improve its Texas and west coast market shares. Conclusion: From the above analysis, we draw the following conclusions: 1. New Balance's sales forecast is overestimated and their forecasted product mix is in error. The company should use the alternate forecast provided. Additionally, New Balance should rely less on its current shoe models by working towards more rapid product development. 2. In order to develop an accurate demand forecast, particula r attention should be paid to the expected growth of both serious and women runners. . There is an effect on regional market share based on the location of the production facility. If New Balance would like to increase market share in regions other than its own it should seriously consider a more westward production facility. 4. After taking both financial and non-financial aspects into consideration, the opening of a Texas facility is recommended. Another benefit of having an additional production facility located in Texas will be the company's ability to fulfill the previously mentioned lack of western regional market share.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Health Care Information Systems Essay
Health Care Information Systems Terms Define the following terms. Your definitions must be in your own words; do not copy them from the textbook. After you define each term, describe in 40 to 60 words the health care setting in which each term would be applied. Include at least two research sources to support your positionââ¬âone from the University Library and the other from the textbook. Cite your sources in the References section consistent with APA guidelines. |Term |Definition |How It Is Used in Health Care | |Health Insurance Portability and |This is a federal law that was passed in |HIPAA is used in Health care to help keep | |Accountability Act |1996 that will protect the continuousness |patient information private and secure. | | |of health coverage when a patient changes |HIPPA ensures that all patient health | | |or loses their job which can limit the |information is being stored in a secure | | |health plan exclusions for preexisting |location and only authorized staff should | | |medical conditions that require the patient|be able to access this information. If this| | |medical information to be kept private and |information is not protected the health | | |secure. |care organization can face fines and | | | |penalties (Wager,, Lee,, Glaser,, & Burns,,| | | |2009). This term will be applied to the | | | |whole health care facility. | |Electronic medical recordà |Is an electronic record of a patientââ¬â¢s |The electronic medic al record will be used | | |health related information which can be |in the health care setting each and every | | |created, gathered, and managed by |time the patient visits the health care | | |authorized clinicians and staff within the |organization. This is how providers are | | |health care organization. |able to keep up with the services and | | | |procedures that patients receive every time| | | |they are seen by a provider. This term will| | | |be used I billing and coding and | | | |departments as well as medical records that| | | |may need to check patient status or | | | |allergies. | |Electronic health record |Is an electronic record of health related |The electronic health record is a record | | |information on an individual that conforms |that can be seen at multiple health care | | |to nationally recognized health information|facilities at one time. When this | | |standards and that can be created, managed,|information is sent to different providers | | |and revised by authorized staff in more |it is encrypted in the event someone that | | |than one location. |is not authorized has access to it they | | | |will not get patient information that | | | |should be private. | |Personal health record |Is an electronic record of health related |Personal health record is the healthà record| | |information on a patient. This information |of the patient which the patient has | | |can come from different facilities that |control over. The patient can get health | | |the patient may have been seen at. And the |information from different providers and | | |information can be managed, shared, and |share this information as they see fit. The| | |controlled by the patient. |personal health record may have some health| | | |information that the patient may feel the | | | |new provider does not need to see in order | | | |to treat them. This will be for the patient| | | |to disclose with the provider and then the | | | |provider may add this information to the | | | |patients chart. | |Computerized provider order entry system |Is a system that allows users to |This computerized provider entry system | | |electronically write orders, maintain the |lets providers monitor the patientââ¬â¢s | | |online medication administration record, |medication distribution. Providers and | | |and go over changes made to an order by |authorized staff are able to write | | |authorized personnel. |prescriptions for patients and track | | | |previous prescriptions. Providers will be | | | |able to see how long itââ¬â¢s been since they | | | |filled a p rescription for a patient. This | | |à |will be applied at the health care | | | |organization. | |Unique patient identifier |Is a system that uses information such as |The unique patient identifier lets | | |the patientââ¬â¢s date of birth to create a |providerââ¬â¢s look at patient health care | | |unique code that is reported instead of the|information without having to use patient | | |patientââ¬â¢s name. |personal information to identify them. This| | | |helps the organization stay in compliance | | | |since according to HIPAA all patient | | | |information must be secure and kept | | | |private. This will be used any place in the| | | |health care organization where a patientââ¬â¢s | | | |chart will need to pulled or looked up. | |Protected health information |Is any identifiable health information. |Protected health information is the | | |Individually identifiable health |patientââ¬â¢s personal information such as date| | |information is that which can be linked to |of birth social sec urity number and even | | |a particular person such as date of birth, |their address where they reside. This | | |address, and social security number. |information needs to be in a secure | | | |location at all times. The data entry | | | |person will have access to this information| | | |as well as the billers and coders in a | |à | |health care organization. | |Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services |Is a federal agency within the United |The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid | | |States Department of Health and Human |Services set the pace on how and what other| | |Services that administers the Medicare |insurance companies will be expected to | | |program and work in Medicaid. |cover depending on the patients plan. This | | | |will be used all over the health care | | | |facility to make sure everyone is always in| | | |compliance with state and federal laws. | |Covered entities |Is three specific groups including health |With covered entities this will apply to | | |plans, health care, clearinghouses, and |anyone who is authorized to access patient | | |health care providers that transmit health |information and is sharing patient health | | |information electronically. |with other parties inside and outside of | | | |the health care organization. Is | | | |information is used inappropriately the | | | |health care organization will be | | | |responsible and could face penalties and | | | |fines. | |Health information exchange |Is the process of sharing electronic health|Health information exchange can happen when| | |information between health care |two health care organizations or facilities| | |organizations. When sharing this |need to share information about a patient | | |information staff should make sure they are|(Morrisey, 2011). Depending on how the | | |sharing in a way that will protect the |information is sent it must be encrypted so| | |confidentiality and privacy of the patient.|hackers are able to identify the | | | |information being transferred. | | | | | | | | | References Morrisey, J. (2011). Health Information Exchange. Retrieved from 812 Wager,, K., Lee,, F.W., Glaser,, J.P., & Burns,, L.R. (2009). Health Care Information Systems. A Practical Approach for health Care Management (2nd ed.). Retrieved from .
Monday, July 29, 2019
Amos Is Identified As The Prophet Amos Religion Essay
Amos Is Identified As The Prophet Amos Religion Essay Introduction: The author of the Book of Amos is identified as the prophet Amos. Amos was the first prophet in the Bible whose message was recorded at length. Although he came from a town in Judah, he preached to the people of the northern kingdom of Israel, about the middle of the eighth century B.C. The Book was likely written between 760 and 753 B.C. As a shepherd and a fruit picker from the Judean village of Tekoa, he was called by God, even though he lacks an education or a priestly background. His mission is directed to his neighbour to the north, Israel. It was a time of great prosperity, notable religious piety, and apparent security. But Amos saw that prosperity was limited to the wealthy, and that it fed on injustice and on oppression of the poor. Amosââ¬â¢ ministry takes place while Jeroboam II reign over Israel, and Uzziah reigns over Judah. Amos can see beneath Israelââ¬â¢s external prosperity and power; internally the nation is corrupt to the core. In short, they had forgotten what it meant to follow God. Amos took his uncompromising message straight to the religious authorities of his day, instead of listening to him, they threw him out. In the same way that Amos challenged the Israelites to reconsider their priorities, he challenges us in the climax to his book, and reminds us of what God wants (Amos 5:24). In this essay, I wish to write an introduction on the Book of Amos. Background and Meaning of Amos: The Book of Amos is set in a time when the people of Israel have reached a low point in their devotion to God. The people have become greedy and have stopped following and adhering to their values. The people in Amosââ¬â¢ time expected the ââ¬Ëday of the Lordââ¬â¢ to be a picnic; but Amos pointed a different picture of inescapable terror. Scholars have understood Amosââ¬â¢ image of Yahweh passing through the midst of the people of Israel as an allusion; to his passing through Egypt. They make reference in this regard to (Exodu s 12:12). ââ¬ËFor I will pass through the midst of you; says Yahweh.ââ¬â¢ According to Amos, Israel is guilty of injustice toward the innocent, poor and young women. As punishment Yahwehââ¬â¢s vengeance would be directed against Israel, and the prophet warns his audience; ââ¬ËIs not the day of the Lord darkness in it'(Amos 5:20). The ââ¬Ëday of the Lordââ¬â¢ was widely celebrated and highly anticipated by the followers of God. Amos came to tell the people that the ââ¬Ëday of the Lordââ¬â¢ was coming soon and that it meant divine judgement and justice for their iniquities. Structure and Theme: The nine chapters of the Book of Amos emphasize one central theme. The people o the nation of Israel has broken their covenant with God, and his judgement against their sin will be severe. In the first major section of the book, Amos begins with biting words of judgement against the six nations surrounding the lands of Judah and Israel.
Henry Ford at Highland Park and Toyota during the 1980s and 1990s Essay
Henry Ford at Highland Park and Toyota during the 1980s and 1990s demonstrate that a growing car market is the necessary prec - Essay Example In the context of an automobile industry, higher productivity is one of the key drivers of this industry. The automobile industry is one of the largest industries of the world. In Europe, it accounts for around 7 % of the total manufacturing output. According to several authorââ¬â¢s, the reason behind the colossal growth of automobile industry is the increasing productivity (Heneric, Licht and Sofka, 2005). Companies nowadays employ different techniques and methods to improve the overall productivity of the company. This report will shed light on the methods of improving productivity in automobile industry and will also discuss about how growing car market is the necessary precondition for achieving superior productivity. In addition, it will also provide examples of how the conveyor belt production technique affects and help a company with the growing market. Methods of Improving Productivity There are several methods by which the productivity of an automobile company can be incr eased. Some of the techniques are discussed below: - Value Engineering: - Value engineering can be defined as a process by which the value of a product is improved at every phase of the product life cycle. In the development stage, value engineering improves product value by diminishing the total cost and maintaining the quality. In the maturity stage of the product, value engineering reduces the overall cost by substituting the costly constituents by inexpensive components. With the help of this process, companies try to provide maximum value at a lower rate. Hence value engineering improves the productivity by increasing the value of the products. Operations Research: - The operations research method employs scientific and mathematical methods, to resolve issues pertaining to management. In addition, it also solves problems related to productivity. A company develops several alternatives to improve its productivity, but the productivity actually increases if the most appropriate c ourse of action has been selected. Now to increase the productivity companies use scientific methodologies which help them to select the best alternative course of action. Some of the common techniques used are game theory and linear programming among others. Quality Circles: - The concept of quality circles was developed in Japan in the year 1960. Quality circles in general are small group of employees who meet regularly to enhance identify and solve management issues. Apart from that, this group also recommends strategies to improve the operations and productivity of the company. There are also some general ways by which the productivity of a company can be increased. Although they are not scientific methods, but general ways by employing which the companies can gain higher productivity levels. Accountability: - All the employees of an organization need to be aware of the fact that he or she is responsible for the decisions and actions taken. Follow up: - In many cases it has been found that employers set the target and feels that the job is done. However in reality, it is important that managers follow up with the progress of work. This will ensure higher productivity. Manage the work force but avoid micromanagement: - It is a well established fact that employees have to be guided,
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Concert performance review papaer Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Concert performance review papaer - Essay Example At some points during the music, the orchestra does not blow the instruments and quietness prevails. The music has a non-uniform tone. It starts with a low tone. As the music progresses, there is an alternating rise and fall in the tone of the music. At some points, the orchestra goes down in its tonal variation and sometimes they raise their voice to attain a high tone. The instruments in the music sometimes produce high volume and a time the volume goes low. The music has a rhythm that has variations characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of varying conditions. The orchestra plays the tunes on varying notes. The musicââ¬â¢s dynamics consists of low volume throughout the thirty-four minutes. There is a rise and fall trend in the sound of music. Within the four phases of the structure of the music, there is a spread of sound variations. The orchestra varies the sound in a perfect way that fits the desirable tone of classical music. The form and structure of the music assumes four phases. The orchestra starts with a high note and the note declines towards the fifth minute. The orchestra seems to make a stop at that point. They come up again to attain a high tone. For the second time, the orchestra goes down to a low tone. The orchestra picks up for the third phase and lowers the tone. They come up for the fourth and last time. The music ends when the leader of the orchestra bows down. The alterations of the four phases in this music have a plan that depicts uniformity. The music has a tune that brings out the melody of a valuable classical music. The tune is appealing and makes the music enjoyable. The orchestra has the experience to bring out the melody that conforms to the tune of classical music. The music has simultaneous pitches throughout the thirty-four minutes. The pitch variations have a harmonious arrangement. The orchestra plays the instruments in a manner that brings out the right form
Saturday, July 27, 2019
My Feets Is Tired But My Soul Is Rested Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
My Feets Is Tired But My Soul Is Rested - Essay Example They all waited for almost 360 years and nothing changed for them, they were facing many problems like:Ã Becoming frustrated by such conditions the Negroes thought of taking a direct action because all the negotiation agreements were rejected by the Authorities. They all knew that this step would be painful but they believed that getting the freedom is never easy. So they agreed to take the big step as they all were fed up with the word Wait. They all waited for almost 360 years and nothing changed for them, they were facing many problems like:Poor were becoming poorer due to lack of opportunities. Children were not allowed go to school.Black children were not allowed to play with white kids in the same amusement park.There was no respect for black women.Public humiliation e.g. they had to sit on back of the buses and the front was for the white citizen. Always had to face the fact that A Negro is Nobody.This all was the result of unjust Law. The law constituted the differences reg arding the Whites and Blacks. According to law there were many acts which if performed by whites were legal, but illegal if done by blacks. Getting angry of all these differences the Negro finally decided to take an action. They decided to boycott the bus travels after a woman named Rosa Parks was arrested because she refused to leave her seat for a white person; according to the law, the front of the bus was for white people only and the back was for the blacks and if the bus is full and a white person gets in, the black had to stand for him.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Sadown Response paper to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Essay
Sadown Response paper to The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - Essay Example Out of curiosity, would changing a characterââ¬â¢s name give additional cinematic effect to a film? One would think though that it is quite peculiar since it really did not matter in the film. Also, the film version was given a modification by adding characters in the story. Hurricane Katrina has left the country with heartaches and hardships. This was used to add drama in the story and to be more appealing to the public of the 21st century that would view a short story written in the 1920s. It is understandable how this was presented this way rather than a straight-forward method of presenting the story. The movie presented a very serious matter even during the days with the most advanced technology in medical science. It is true that the world is filled with unexplained subject matters which are left to be explored or may remain to be unanswered. The topic would tickle the curiosity of its audience regardless of the time or era that it will be shown. It is a subject matter is ab out age. It was also peculiar that instead of an old man with a beard, the film presented Benjamin Button as an ââ¬Å"oldâ⬠baby with wrinkled skin all-over his body. Initially, when Benjamin was examined by a physician, the doctor did not even say that he would live a full life. This is because of the childââ¬â¢s appearance and state of health. ... The script was written during the modern times, could this part be skipped? Just because a person has a particular disease or irregularities, that person does not need an exorcist to be healed. After Benjamin was ââ¬Å"healedâ⬠, the pastor died. The main character was able to walk, with the help of the crutches, after the ââ¬Å"healingâ⬠. Story writers used more recent events in history rather than using the 1860s setting of the story. During these events, also, there were parts where more people tend to reveal secrets kept for years. Here is when writers may think that the secrets would be understood since oneââ¬â¢s life is almost about to end. Why it is always deemed that secrets revealed while a person is on his deathbed easier to be accepted? Now the question is ââ¬Å"How would the living deal with the truth?â⬠In her lifetime, Caroline thought that the man whom she knew as her father was actually her stepfather. Since this was revealed in her motherââ¬â¢s deathbed, there is a sense that she should accept the fact that her fatherââ¬â¢s true identity was concealed from her. This is almost a known plot in most films. It would be just depending on the writers how they would play the twist in a given idea of the story especially if it is an adaptation from a written material. The idea can even be wrongly regarded as an emotional blackmail to the other character since one will not be questioned or judged especially if the person is about to breathe its last breath. This can also be considered as true in real life and is happening even as one speaks. It is not a matter of how the actors played their roles as they only act out what the director is telling them. On the other hand, it is also not how the film was directed as the director is just interpreting the script that has
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Personal Leadership Evaluation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Personal Leadership Evaluation - Research Paper Example It seems clear that to some extent individuals can take a broad overview of their leadership qualities, and work to develop responses to the various strengths and weaknesses that are identified. This essay functions to evaluate my current leadership effectiveness. Specifically, the essay includes a review of who I as a leader need to be, what I as a leader need to know, and what I as a leader need to do. In examining who I as a leader need to be, I recognize that there are a variety of elements that must be considered. While I have not entirely decided on my career path, I recognize that I would like to pursue a path related to businesses and organizations. Even as these categorical distinctions involve a wide variety of elements, itââ¬â¢s clear there are a number of universal principles that underline all aspects of leadership. One of the important texts in articulating essential aspects of leadership is Maxwell (2007)ââ¬â¢s The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. In this text Maxwell articulates a number of notions of effective leadership, as well as means of developing these qualities so the reader can attain more effective leadership qualities. In terms of my own leadership, I recognize there are a number of areas of leadership I would like to be as a means of achieving more effectiveness in my chosen career path. One of the important notions of leadership that Maxwell establishes is the understanding that the leader does not simply lead the ship, but the leader charts the course. The text gives an example of a historic trip to the Arctic. The trip was made by two separate groups ââ¬â one headed by Robert Falcon Scott and one headed by Roald Amundsen. While Scott haphazardly planned for the excursion, Amundsen took great pains to research the terrain and the various environmental conditions. As one might expect, Scottââ¬â¢s trip was a failure and Amundsenââ¬â¢s trip was a success. The underlining principles in this is that successful leaders will not simply follow a set path and expect individuals to simply follow their lead, but will instead by the individuals that foreground that path that will be traversed. When considering the type of leader that I want to be, I am greatly influenced by the notion of charting a course rather than simply leading. In these regards, I would like to lead through example in a leadership model that does not simply follow the structural constraints of an organization, but readily defines these constraints through innovation, creativity, and development. When I consider contemporary examples of the type of leadership that I hope to achieve I consider individuals such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. While traditional notions of leadership present a charismatic figure such as John F. Kennedy or Barack Obama who are able to garner followers and support through rhetoric and charm, I increasingly find myself embracing a different incarnation of leadership. I believe that while charismatic leadersh ip is effective, leaders can also be effective through the demonstration of creativity and innovation. For instance, Steve Jobs has garnered incredible support and esteem through his management of Apple, Inc. By most objective standards Jobs does not exhibit the charismatic elements, but is able to retain respect and influence through his strong and innovative corporate approach. Steve Jobs has soundly demonstrated that effective leaders navigate rather than simply lead. In terms of my own leadership, I hope to be able to
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
Why Companies Do not Label Genetically Modified Organisms Essay
Why Companies Do not Label Genetically Modified Organisms - Essay Example Consequently, technological advancement and modern lifestyle have continuously influenced the growth of genetically modified organisms in the global market. According to Editors (Para 2), fourteen states have gone through the toughest period in determining whether to pass legislation that compels genetically modified organisms (GMOs) foods to be labeled in order facilitate consumers with options in products that emanate from genetic engineering and those that are natural. Moreover, the state of California has become the latest in buying the concept of labeling GMOs. In fact, consumers in the United States have claimed that they are entitled to know what ingredients have been incorporated in products during purchase. Nevertheless, the school of thought affiliated to the argument of not labeling GMOs agree to the fact that the only products that might require labeling are those that are highly likely to cause harm to the consumers and as such the labeling serves as a warning piece of information. Bertheau (124) articulates that contrary to what majority of people across the world believe; genetically modified organisms have only one major difference from their counterparts; that if it is easier to determine how safe for consumption they have scientifically been proven to be as opposed to the natural counterparts. Additionally, the concept of genetic engineering has paved the way to the development of plants that have less tidies work such as the use of less amount of water for growth, growing in harsh environmental conditions, and those that are less carbon dioxide. As such, genetic engineering has enabled the production of cheaper food in greater quantities and in a more sustainable way. Of importance to note is that food security and related issues are associated with political issues of any given country across the world.Ã
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Describing a Poem Assignment
Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Describing a Poem - Assignment Example Besides, the speaker intelligently creates a figurative approach using the shoe as an explanation of the restriction of her freedom. According to the speaker, shoes limits feet movement inside and so is her daddy (Holbrook 12). Notably, the speaker sounds bitter and portrays her revenge towards the mistreatment she receives from male counterparts. Additionally, the beginning of this first stanza sets a remorseful environment that is sustained across the entire poem. While the writer appears to direct her bitterness and regrets towards her daddy, it should be clear that the daddy represents male category in the society that has continued derail freedom to the female counterparts. The entire poem is full of metaphors that include black shoe, like a Nazi, like a Swastika and like a Vampire. The terms are intelligently used to summarize the views of the speaker towards male species. In her world, she finds men barbaric, cruel, just like Nazi, and she describes herself figuratively as a jew (Holbrook 12). Historically, Jews were racial persecuted during the harsh German rule through killing, maiming and racial cleansing. Surprisingly, the speaker plays this victim role and curses her daddy for high-handedness that described her earlier
Comparative Analysis Essay Example for Free
Comparative Analysis Essay Abstract We are in what is known at the Information Era. The Information Era is the ability to exchange information in a manner that is effective and efficient. Information is important to the way we do things. It gives instructions on what to do and how to do it. There are many different genres of communications. They all provide different information in different situations In todayââ¬â¢s society, there are a number of different communication genres. Each communication genre is meant to provide certain information to a certain group of people. In this paper, I will discuss five different communications genres. I compare rules and regulations, policy handbook, policy manual, policy guide and policy memorandum. I will discuss the similarities and difference in each genre, discourse conventions used. Genre is the means by which communications are sent out. ââ¬Å"Genres are categories or forms into which documents and websites are grouped together based on written and visual characteristics they have in common, and which readers associate with them. Genres are valuable because their predictable forms and consistency aid in reading comprehension and efficiency. Genres help readers grasp information quickly and effectively. â⬠(Allison and Williams 2008). Each of the genres that I will discuss relates to rules, policies and procedures specific to different events. The first is rules and regulations. Rules and regulations is a principle that regulates or controls conduct. Rules and regulations are most often used for sports or contests. Rules and regulations are used by referees (in sporting events), players, as well as fans. Next, there is the policy handbook. A policy handbook is usually a set of rules and regulations provided to an employee of company or to students enrolled in school. The policy handbook provides information on things such as an attendance policy, compensation and pay, drug and alcohol policy, leaves of absence, etc. Next there is the policy manual is more detailed than a policy handbook. The policy manual includes procedures and instructions on completing particular tasks. For instance, a policy manual would give an employee the instructions on providing technical support for a computer malfunction. Other forms of communications genres are policy guide and policy memorandum. A policy guide is a document that contains the current policies and guidelines of an organization. This document is also used for the internal employees of an organization or company. Finally there is a policy memorandum. A policy memorandum informs employees or even customers of an organization of changes to current policies. The policy memorandum will let you know what the policy is, the changes that were made to the policy and when the change will take effect. Each of these genres is similar in that they all provide direction, rules and regulations to certain events or jobs. The discourse conventions used in each of these documents are very similar. Each genre can be used in any one field or even multiples fields. Most of the genres that have been discussed are intended for internal use. Rules and regulations, policy handbook, policy manual, and policy guide are generally used by employees or a company or organization. They detail internal regulations and policies. The information contained in these documents will be more technical and important to how the company is run. This information in most cases will not affect external users. Policy memorandum is a document that may be important to both internal and external users. References Allison, Libby. , Williams, F. Miriam (2008). Writing for the Government http://www. jpkf. org/JPKF-Policy-Guide/index. htm http://wilcoxen. maxwell. insightworks. com/pages/275. html
Monday, July 22, 2019
Essay on Virtue Essay Example for Free
Essay on Virtue Essay For most religious people it is one of the main goals in their life to live after the guidelines of virtue and show behavior with high moral standards. Virtue means goodness, morality, integrity, dignityâ⬠¦ Everything that Randle McMurphy is not at the first instance in ââ¬Å"One Flew Over the Cuckooââ¬â¢s Nestâ⬠. His character opposes all classic characteristics of virtue and roughly speaking he fails to survive in the end. Therefore is it important to be virtuous? I believe that although virtue is coming out of fashion in todayââ¬â¢s culture, it is a necessary, daily element in our life. For most people virtue isnââ¬â¢t the ââ¬Å"coolest kid in townâ⬠. If someone announces that theyââ¬â¢re giving up on dating, spending money on nice clothes and to overall work on becoming a more virtuous person, one will be labeled as a ââ¬Å"freakâ⬠; someone maybe too religious that has a screw loose somewhere. Being virtuous can be boring because you have to control and put yourself in the background in a time when most teenagers and adults live their life for the public. One will sit in a nice restaurant with a plate more like art than food in front of them, but instead of enjoying their meal and talking with their friends, people will take a picture to display on instagram or facebook showing other people how good their life is. Being wicked and a little bit crazy is a strangely attractive characteristic nowadays. Along the lines of ââ¬Å"good girls go to heaven. Bad girls go everywhere. â⬠In OFOTCN McMurphy is that kind of crazy, wicked person. Although he fails to fit into society, it is hard to argue that he is not polarizing, fun and strangely likeable. When Murphy is asked why people believe he might be mentally ill, he bluntly says, ââ¬Å"Well, as near as I can figure out, its cause I, uh, fight and fuck too much. â⬠A virtuous person would never say that. But coming from Randle, it is oddly witty and authentic. McMurphy is not the perfect example of virtue; he is the exact opposite, the how-not-to-do-it. Yet you feel yourself rooting for him, wishing that he will succeed in his life. Maybe because you see good in him even though you have to dig past a few layers, or maybe you are inspired by his pure love of life and spontaneity. In Addition his relationship with Chief shows true affection and care. For example when Randle is genuinely interested in Chiefââ¬â¢s story and even asks him to run away with him. He builds a friendship and basis of trust where the Chief even reveals his ability to communicate. The amazing part is the fact that the Chief never spoke a word with anyone and acted dumb the entire time he was on the ward, fooling everyone. McMurphy brings a lot of joy and freshness into the sanatorium, although theyââ¬â¢re primarily enforced with alcohol and women. He is unique and against all norms. If youââ¬â¢ve read The Catcher in The Rye, you know that McMurphy is someone who isnââ¬â¢t ââ¬Å"phonyâ⬠. But all his likeability aside, McMurphy fails to run away from the psychiatric hospital and even loses his life in the end. Therefore it shows us that it isnââ¬â¢t really possible to live in society without norms. Which brings us to the point that humans need virtue as an element in their life in order to survive. We need and want virtue in our life, so that we can keep things in order and live a happy life. There is an invisible book of rules that almost everybody knows of. Not everyone follows it, but itââ¬â¢s usually known in the name of ââ¬Å"common senseâ⬠. For instance people know that it is hurtful to cheat on someone. Loyalty and honesty are elements of virtue and people live by their rule everyday. When you promise someone to do something, you have to do it or will be labeled as irresponsible and untrustworthy. You donââ¬â¢t have to say these things out loud because itââ¬â¢s common sense. Elements of virtue lie so deep in our culture that theyââ¬â¢ve become everyday values and traditions that have formed a common code for society. Beside materialistic or selfish values, we need morals and principles that leave us with something more substantial than money or success. Virtue is something that is expected of everyone, yet not usually voiced. Someone who is against all norms usually doesnââ¬â¢t survive in society. The example is Randle McMurphy, who is a healthy and intelligent man. There is nothing stopping him from living a normal life, but his persona is so impulsive and difficult that it is very hard to find virtue in him. Therefore people are quick to judge him and label him as a danger to society. He gets send to the electroshock treatment because he acted impulsively and smashed a window in order to get Martinezââ¬â¢ cigarettes. Bystanders will describe this act as dangerous and violent and conclude that he is a threat. I think that McMurphy didnââ¬â¢t mean any harm, but failed to think twice about what he was doing. A virtuous person wouldââ¬â¢ve never smashed the window in the first place and therefore never gotten a punishment. We are imprinted with the knowledge that some things are right and others wrong, whereas those judgments are based on the concepts of virtue. But humans arenââ¬â¢t that easy and the way society understand this concept has its flaws. All humans are different in their personas and stories, but no one is better than the other. In OFOTCN everyone in the psychiatric hospital is very different from the other, but they each have their pluses and minuses. The nurses arenââ¬â¢t more virtuous than the patients, which is shown in the irresponsible behavior of Nurse Ratched that ultimately resulted in Bibbetââ¬â¢s death. But for society it might seem that she showed virtuous behavior in forms of honesty. It might seem unfair that those ââ¬Å"Looneysâ⬠are locked up either in the prison or sanatorium because they donââ¬â¢t behave in an acceptable manner. ââ¬Å"What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin? Well youre not! Youre not! Youre no crazier than the average asshole out walkin around on the streets and thats it. â⬠McMurphy is the one to voice out that the people in the hospital are no less valuable than the ââ¬Å"normalâ⬠people. It is ironic that especially Randle, who seems to be dangerous and aggressive, to say something that true and tolerant. We see that the patients have accepted and believe the opinion of the society. So has the hospital, that just strictly follows the daily routine, shocks patients if theyââ¬â¢re not obedient and donââ¬â¢t put visible effort in genuinely helping them. Nurse Ratched says, ââ¬Å"The best thing we can do is go on with our daily routine. â⬠right after Bibbetââ¬â¢s death and McMurphyââ¬â¢s brain surgery. For society it is easy to say that someone is bad according to his or her moral standard and integrity. But not every person is born into a nice environment, a loving family or prosperity. There is much more to a personââ¬â¢s life that forms their character, way of thinking and thus value of virtue. We see that McMurphy is by no means a purely malicious character but a fun-loving guy who loves life. Yet his way of dealing with things put him in trouble and difficulty. It is very important to understand and have virtue in your life, because even though we often neglect open and excessive virtuous behavior, it is an unspoken rule in society to behave to some extent of common virtue. It is somewhat ironically contradicting and there is just simply no scientific answer to being virtuous because there are so many factors that play a role in someoneââ¬â¢s behavior. Everyone is good and bad and the lines between villain and hero are sometimes surprisingly blurred. Humans are complex beings that canââ¬â¢t be simply categorized into wrong and right and many situations seem ambiguous depending on the perspective. That is why virtue is a great ideal but by no means a scale to critic.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Personal delelopment in Accounting and Finance Personal Development Essay
Personal delelopment in Accounting and Finance Personal Development Essay Introduction Personal Development in Accounting and Finance course overall helps me to understand how did my career goal comes about, where do I stand now, and understand the journey and process which I will have to go through in order to achieve my career goal. 2. What did I learn / achieved in PDAF? In PDAF, Belbin lesson, I understand that a team role is a pattern of behaviour. Different team role have different characteristics and all team roles have both strengths and weaknesses. A person could be having a few team roles at a same time. Through the questionnaire, I manage to identify a few team roles which I will normally adopt at work, which include the specialist, the completer/finisher and the shaper role. I manage to identify what are my strengths and allowable weakness. As I am showing the shapers weakness therefore I hope to improve on this area. (See appendix 1). Through this MTBI personality test, I discovered that the personality type which I belong to is ISTJ (introverted sensing with extraverted thinking), whom is a duty fulfiller. This test also allows me to identify my strengths and weaknesses at work and home. I also realise that possible careers for ISTJ are accountants and financial officers which is what my career goal is. (See appendix 3). It was feedback from my group member that she feels that Im in the right career path as the ISTJs personality described me truly. 3. My Career journey thoughts feelings Looking back at my lifeline during lesson 2, I feel that whoever I am now depend on the decision which I had made when I was 19 years old. To choose between going to a polytechnic for engineering course or a private school for CAT made my career journey changed. It is also because of great interest on figures and influences from family, that why I decided to choose a private accounting school for CAT courses rather the other. (See appendix 2) I also feel that all these while in my career journey, I was consider quite lucky. I am lucky in a sense that, I have a lot opportunity to learn new things and gain experience on accounting field compared to the others. I started my first job as Account Assistant with no relevant working experience. Yet I have the opportunity to learn from scratch. I understand that not much company is willing to teach fresh graduate especially when this so called fresh graduate had not officially graduated at that point of time. My career goal is to be an accountant. After doing some website research on the responsibilities for this role, I realise the main duty for an accountant in Singapore public or private sector is about the same. I believe in term of working experience I should be able to fit in as I have pick up quite a valid experience in this area. But looking at the current market entry requirement, sad to comment, although I have the experience and skills in accounting software, I see myself in a non-favourable position in obtaining this position at the current moment. I will need to upgrade my qualification and that is to take up a degree course so that I can fit into the position. (See appendix 4) After working in accounting line for so many years, sometimes I do feel that my interest on my job had faded quite a lot. Sometimes I do not have the energy to move on. I feel that this might be due to long working period with no proper break or rest. As my career goal is to be an accountant, so I will not give up this goal so easily. If financially allows, I am considering of moving out of my working life temporary to have a good break while pursuing my degree course. I think by doing so, I can rest and replenish my energy level on my job, and I can place full time concentration on my study. My follow-up after PDAF After attending this Belbin lesson, I will like to improve on my weakness by showing more concern on the others. Now I tend to think twice before commenting remarks. Although is hard to do it, I hope I can do in time to be. (See appendix 1). I also hope that I can control my emotion (See appendix 2), by not being so affected when my close colleagues left the company. Im happy to know that I am in the right career path and see myself having more strengths than weaknesses being an ISTJ. Being someone whom honored our commitment, loyal and faithful, I hope I can continue this way especially toward my family. There is one weakness which had been around for quite a while and it had been happening quite often at work. It needs a lot of skill and effort in order for me to strengthen it. This weakness is having too strong sense of duty until I had difficult time to say no to others when I was given more work than what we can reasonable handle. I see the need for me to reduce this strong sense of duty image in front of others. I have to control it well so that my sense of duty still exist but yet I know how to say no to them when too much work is being passed down to me. (See appendix 3) I also realise I do not have a proper written cover letter, the current one which I have now contain only a few lines which does not state any impressive remarks to employers. I also did not amend the cover letter accordingly to fit well to each individual job requirement. Therefore I need to pick up some skills on improving my cover letter. My CV was not updated with my latest experience and skill which I have obtained in my previous company. I need to update it regularly or as and when I have done any special projects or obtain any extra skills. Appendices The Group Presentations Appendix 1 Team Roles (Belbin) Presentation content Through the Belbin questionnaire, the team role which I have normally adopts is the Specialist role. Based on the information located from the website, specialists strength is it has expert knowledge and skills in key areas and will solve many problems while its allowable weakness is it can be disinterested in all other areas. I do agree on the questionnaire that most of the time at work I have been adopting the specialist roles strength. Example, in my current position, I am handling GL (general ledger) function. Due to job responsibility, I often have to provide knowledge and assistance to other colleagues especially colleagues whom handle Accounts Receivable and Payables on any un-cleared issues or problems. I do not agree that I have adopted specialist roles weakness as in not much of showing disinterest in other areas. Example, usually at work I am very concern about other areas as I often have to attend other departments queries. I agreed that another role which I have also adopted successfully is the Completer/Finisher role. Example, as my position covered month closing and reporting. I often have to do detail checking on entries for errors and omissions before presenting the data to my superior. Also I tend to worry too much when my colleagues do not finish their areas of work on time. Reflection In the Belbin lesson, I understand that a team role is a pattern of behaviour. Different team role have different characteristics and all team roles have both strengths and weaknesses. A person could be having a few team roles at a same time. Through the Belbin questionnaire, I manage to identify a few team roles which I will normally adopt at work. Beside the contributions side of the specialist and completer/finisher, I realise that sometimes I tend to adopt the Shaper role. This role is full energy and action, challenging others to move forwards. This role can be insensitive. Example, at work I often have to push other colleagues and make sure they meet the closing deadline on time, by doing so, I tend to show the shapers weakness which is being insensitive. I sometimes tend to comment blunt remarks show poor attitude to the others when jobs were not done in time or properly. Appendix 2 Job Motivation Presentation content Reasons why I have decided to have accounting as my career choice are because of my interest and influences from my family member. Since I was young, I always like figures and counting, solving problem sums in school. It is also due to my sisters influences, that why I chose to further my study in accounting and hoping to be an accountant. My sister is the first one who enlightened me. She convinced me to convert my interest into my career since my interest is on figures, and I am always being good at mathematics. A few values which are important to me, one of which is money. I personally feel that money comes in hand in hand with hard work so with the hard work I have put in; I will want a justifiable amount of salary. Next value is happiness at work and good relationship with colleagues. I feel that in order to achieve happiness at work, we must maintain good relationships with colleagues. By having that, it will help to motivate us to go to work. Finally is appreciation from superior and career advancement. I feel the needs to have good opportunity to learn and do more things, follow-by promotion. I also need appreciation from superior by recognizing my hard work. Co-workers are the ones whom will influence me at work. Relationship with them often will affect my mood of working. With close and good relationship with my colleagues, I feel happy and more motivated to go to work. As I am a very emotional person. I will feel affected if a close colleague left the company. I know because, in my current job, my mood was greatly affected when my accountant and a close colleague left the company. It is a sense of loss especially toward my accountant as she had given me very good appreciation and opportunity. When she left the company, I feel I have not only lost a good colleague/superior, I also lost my value. Market requirement will affect my career choice. I always feel that accounting roles are always valuable in the market as all companies have accounts department and therefore accounting staffs will never be jobless. Reflection After working for quite a number of years, I realise my interest on my career had faded. My interest on figures is no longer existed. I value my values especially money at work more than interest. I see the important of these values, when my values are being achieve, I tend to be more motivated to move on but when values are not being achieved, it will influence me by affecting my motivation and emotion. Appendix 3 MBTI Presentation content The personality test located from the website shows that my MBTI type is ISTJ, the duty fulfiller. ISTJ primary mode of living is focused internally, where we take things in via five senses in a literal, concrete fashion. Our secondary mode is external where we deal with things logically. Accountants and financial officers are the one of the possible career paths for ISTJ. One of the ISTJs strength is we are people whom honor our commitment. We are loyal and faithful. We are people who can be depended on to do the right things for our families. Another strength which is, we are stable, practical and down-to-earth. We tend to believe in laws and traditions. We often tend to believe that things should be done accordingly to procedures and plans. ISTJs have strongly-felt internal sense of duty which lends them a serious air and motivation to follow through on task. Because of this strong sense of duty, ISTJs may have difficult time saying no when we are given more work. Another weakness which we have is we will resist putting energy into things which dont make sense to us. I agreed the strength about believing that things should be done accordingly to procedures and plan. I usually like to do proper planning before proceeding. Example, I have habit of listing down the works I have to do for month end closing. I will note it as done once complete. Sometimes because of too many pieces of work coming in at the same time, I tend to state the items down and do it based on priority. I dont quite agree to the point that ISTJ tend to resist of putting energy on things which dont make sense, because perhaps I believe that sometimes at work, things might not be within our control so I often just continue to put in energy even if the things dont make any sense to me. Feedback from my group members One of my team-mate comments that I have performed well in the group presentation. While another feel that Im in the right career path as I fit truly well in ISTJ personality. Reflections Based on the personality test, I feel that I have chosen the right career choice. In term of personality at work, it reflected the very true side of me. It best described what kind of person I am at work or home. It highlighted to me what are the strengths and weaknesses I have. ISJT has such a strong sense of duty that we may have a difficult time saying no when we are given more work than what we can reasonably handle. Looking at this point, I realise that this had happened quite often in my working life. I never say no to my superior when I was given too much work to do. I feel that there is a need for me to reduce my strong sense of duty image to the others especially to those who had been taking advantage of me. Appendix 4 Careers Presentation content The job which I have chosen is accountant position. Employers for public sector include local authorities, schools and etc, while employers for private sector range from large multinational organizations to small local businesses. Accountants in both public sectors and private help to prepare examine and analyze financial statements and other financial reports. They check for accuracy in these records and this allows them to provide a clear picture of the companys financial activities. They report to the management regards to all the finances issues. They develop, maintain and analyze budgets. They also check and pay creditors invoices, collect debts and charge customers for goods and services. Although the duties for accountants in both sectors are similar, a public sector accountants main concern is not raising profit but to make best use of public money. They aim to balance the cost of public services against income. They may carry out internal audits if required. Another difference is as all limited companies must be externally audited therefore accountants for private sector are not allow do audit check. The entry requirement for accountant is at least a bachelors degree in accounting or a related field. In term of skills and abilities requirement, both sectors need the accountant to have a good level of numeric. They should be able to use spreadsheets and specialized finance-related software to analyze and interpret figures and explain them to laymen. Both will need good communication skills, in both spoken and written. They should process good problem-solving skills, and have the ability to work well under pressure. Reflections Looking at the market requirement, I feel that my market value had dropped a bit although I do have the relevant experiences. The reason is because entry requirement had changed compare to the past. In the current situation, a degree qualification is a must. Appendix 5 Job Adverts Presentation content My job ideals is to find a job which is of accountant level and its responsibilities should be similar to what I am currently handling, but it should have some extra work which I am able to gain some experience from it. I have chosen 3 jobs which are all accountant level position. They are accountant, finance for AIC (Agency for Integrated Care), accountant for NTUC (National Trades Union Congress) and accountant for Amanresorts International Pte Ltd. And the one which I have finally decided on is the accountant role for AIC. This roles responsibilities match with my current responsibilities. In this role, they are looking for someone whom will ensure timely month end activities as well as submission of financial and management reports. This role also needs to manage cash and banking matters, liaise with audit firms on audit matter and support budgeting and forecasting exercise. In term of skills and abilities, they are looking for someone whom has minimum 2 years experience in full set of account and knowledge of SAP accounting system. I had exposure on full set and SAP in my previous company, and I was there for more than 2 years. I feel that this job is suitable for me the role responsibilities are scopes which I had handle before and I am comfortable with. In term of accounting system, they are using SAP which I rather preferred. AIC is a private limited company under healthcare industry. It was set up by Ministry of Health but was now under National Healthcare group. In term of benefit, I feel that it should be well too. Reflections I feel that in term of experiences, I do have the opportunity to fit into accountant level position once I obtain my degree. Appendix 6 Draft CV How did I choose the format, layout and content of my CV, and what are the specific problems I have had in designing a targeted CV, The CV format which I have been using is the combination CV. I obtained this format from the website many years ago. The layout for combination CV shows both skills and abilities and employment history. The total pages for current CV I had with me now makes up of 5 pages. In term of contents, I state a bit on my skills on accounting software and Microsoft office, and very detailed employment histories. For the employment history wise, information on the work I had been doing was stated in point form with no strong words to attract interviewers attraction. The whole CV also reflected repeated job-scope as I am doing almost the same job-scope for my initial employment. Overall to comment is I find my CV a bit lengthy. The problem I faced in designing a targeted CV is I am not sure of how to make use of strong wording. Also sometimes I find it hard to describe the effort that we have put on a task on paper so that readers can understand. Assignment 2 Application Pack Introduction Job Title I have chosen to apply for the position of Accountant, Finance for Agency for Integrated Care (AIC). 1.2 Requirement of the Job The responsibilities include handle full set of accounts and ensure month end closing activities. This role needs to handle grant administration, manage cash and banking matters. She/He needs to liaise with audit firms and tax consultants on audit and tax matters. She/He needs to support budgeting and forecasting exercise. The entry requirement is a recognised degree in Accountancy or equivalent with minimum 2 years experience in full set of accounts. It will be an added advantage if she/he has knowledge of SAP accounting system. Job Advertisement This is the job advertisement for the position of Accountant, Finance which I am applying for: Advertised:23-7-10 | Closing Date:22-8-10 Accountant, Finance (Singapore) Responsibilities: You will report to Manager, Finance. Handle full set of accounts (GL, AP, AR and Fixed Assets) and ensure timely and accurate month-end closing activities as well as submission of financial, management and statutory reports, implementation and compliance with Internal Controls Handle grant administration, including prompt claims submission, disbursement and tracking Manage cash and banking matters Liaise with audit firms and tax consultants on audit and taxation matters, including preparation of audit and tax schedules Support budgeting and forecasting exercises Requirements: Recognised degree in Accountancy or equivalent with minimum 2 years experience in full set of accounts Knowledge of SAP accounting system will be an added advantage A team player who is meticulous and able to work independently Good communication and interpersonal skills Please do not use the buttons below to apply for the above position. Kindly forward your detailed resume in MS Word format only, stating full details of qualifications, experience, current and expected salary, to . Top of Form Bottom of Form à à Company Information à à Email to Friends à à View Similar Jobs à à Location Map à à Save This Job à à View Salary Report à à All Jobs From Company à à Report Advertisement Agency for Integrated Care 5 Maxwell Road #10-00 Tower Block MND Complex Singapore 069110 Website: Reasons for choice of job Through searching for job advertisements from internet, I have set my focus on job advertisements for Accountant role. Among the advertisement that I have reviewed, I shortlisted 3 which are listed below: Company Agency for Integrated Care (AIC) Job Title Accountant, Finance (b) Company Amanresorts International Pte Ltd Job Title Accountant (c) Company National Trades Union Congress (NTUC) Job Title Accountant These 3 were shortlisted because the job responsibilities are similar to the current job responsibilities which I am currently handling which is involve in month end closing activities and year end budgeting and forecasting exercise. I feel comfortable to advance my career in this scope of duties. Of the above 3, I have selected (a) as the one that I will focus on in Assignment 3. The reason for choosing this job is because the responsibilities for this position in AIC is not only something which I am familiar with but it also has some other responsibility which I will like to learn from. This is preparation of statutory reports. I will like to take this opportunity to pick up this skill. This company is using SAP system, which is a well known accounting system. I feel more comfortable using SAP system compare to other software like Accpac (as per stated by Amanresorts International Pte Ltd). Skills Attributes My suitability for the job Skills My current accounting role with Volkswagen Group Singapore Pte Ltd includes handling month end closing activities. My duty also includes preparing month end financial reports. In my previous exposure in Hercules Chemical Solution, I handle full set of accounts for both Singapore and India accounts. In both company, I used SAP system. Personality Based on the MBTI, I realise that my personality type is ISTJ, which the possible career is being accountant or financial officer. I am someone whom has excellent ability to take on any task given by my superior. I will follow through the task till completion by organizing and planning. I am hard worker, who do now allow obstacles to get in my way of performing my duties. Motivation I am currently motivated mainly by values. Value like money is very important to me now. I hope to find a company which not only pay well but also give good staff benefit. Value like appreciation from superior and career advancement is also important to me. I hope to see myself being recognised through my hard work. Weaknesses What may hinder me in applying for this job My limitation for this job opportunity will be I do not have the experience in preparing statutory reports, which I am not sure if the company is willing to train me on this area. I also do not have the experience in working in healthcare industry. Cover Letter Name Tay Siew Ling Address Blk 684B Choa Chu Kang Crescent #11-330 Singapore 682684 Contact 92975400 (Mobile) Email [emailprotected] 09 August 2010 Agency for Integrated Care 5 Maxwell Road #10-00 Tower Block MND Complex Singapore 069110 Dear RE: Application for the position of Accountant, Finance Refer to your job advertisement on theà on 23 July 2010; I will like to express my interest to apply the position of Accountant, Finance. I am a CAT holder and currently pursuing the Bachelor of Arts in Accounting with University of Bedfordshire. In my current employment with Volkswagen Group Singapore, my responsibilities include handling month end closing and preparation of financial reports. I am also involved in year end budgeting and forecasting. In my previous employment with Hercules Chemical Solution, I am responsible in handling full set of account for both Singapore and India account independently in Singapore with reporting head in Shanghai. Additionally, I have hands-on experiences on SAP system, financial module for more than four years. With these exposures, I am confident that I will be able to perform well in AIC I greatly appreciate you taking the time to review my credentials and experience. I hope that youll find my experiencesà intriguing enough to warrant a face-to-face meeting, as I am confident that I could provide value to you and yourà company as a member of your team. Please feel free to contact me if you have any query. Hope to receive a favourable reply from you. . Yours sincerely, Language Proficiency Spoken Language: English and Mandarin Written Language: English and Chinese Skill Proficiency Well versed in Microsoft Office Software: Words and Excel. Proficient with accounting software: SAP system, Accpac Dos Version, Solomon and Incadea. Proficient with internet online banking: Citi-Direct, Bank of America online banking, Deustche online banking and DBS DEALS Education Qualification University of Bedfordshire Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Accounting (July 2010 to Jan 2012) The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) (1998 to 2003) Fairfield Methodist Secondary School Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education-Ordinary Level (O-level) (1996 to 1997) Singapore-Cambridge General Certificate of Education-Normal Level (N-level) (1993 to 1996) Queenstown Primary School Primary school leaving examination certificate-PSLE Employment History Details Volkswagen Group Singapore Pte Ltd Account Executive (14 May 2008 to Current) Handle the full spectrum of General Ledger and Fixed Asset Ensure proper documentation for all fixed assets and depreciation amount was taken up correctly Month end journal preparation and posting. Ensure timely and accurate closing of monthly account Prepare and review monthly profit and loss statement and balance sheet. Analysis monthly expenses and common cost allocation for respective department. Prepare inter-company reconciliation and ensure AP Executive to follow-up on any invoices not received Prepare reconciliation on Receivable and Payable sub-ledger against General Ledger Prepare weekly cash position report Prepare monthly bank reconciliation Prepare monthly audit and closing schedules Responsible for Fixed Deposit placement and coordinate with AP Executive on any fund transfer and huge payments Quarterly GST preparation and submission Involve in bi-weekly COE bidding process Involve in year-end stock take for vehicle and parts inventories Assist in year-end budget and forecast Liaising with external auditors during yearly audit Assist the Finance Manager in all ad-hoc duties as assigned Achievement Back-dated perform bank reconciliation for January to May 2008 Manage to perform reconciliation between Incadea and SAP system, also reconciliation between AP/AR control account against sub-ledger Involvement in change of chart of account and roll-back project on the accounting system Energy Market Company Pte Ltd Account Executive (June 2006 to April 2008) Handle the full spectrum of Accounts Receivable, Accounts Payable and Fixed Asset for EMCs operating account Handle partial spectrum of General Ledger Ensure proper documentation for all fixed assets and depreciation amount was taken up correctly Ensure timely and accurate closing of monthly operating account Ensure timely billings on Industrial Training program fee and seminars Ensure timely posting of all collections received Ensure all supplier invoices matches with purchase orders issued Ensure proper coding of GL code and posting of supplier invoices and staff reimbursement Ensure timely cheque and telegraphic transfer payments to suppliers and staff reimbursement Prepare cash position report Prepare monthly bank reconciliation Quarterly GST preparation Submission on Statistic survey for energy industry Involve in year-end fixed asset checking Liaising with internal and external auditors during quarterly and yearly audit Assist the Finance VP and Accountant in all ad-hoc duties as assigned Achievement Involvement in change of chart of account and update of accounting system Successfully roll-out the E-Fixed Asset module Attended the Microsoft Excel Expert course sponsored by company and was award a Microsoft Office Specialist at the Expert level from Microsoft Hercules Chemical Solutions Pte Ltd Account Executive (June 2004 to June 2006) Handle the full set of account for Singapore and India accounts (up to Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss) Ensure timely and accurate closing of monthly account for Singapore and India Ensure timely billings on services fees and royalty income to inter-company Ensure timely posting of all collections received Ensure all supplier invoices matches with purchase orders issued Ensure proper coding of GL code and posting of supplier invoices and staff reimbursement Ensure timely cheque and telegraphic transfer payments to suppliers and staff reimbursement Prepare and review monthly profit and loss statement and balance sheet including expenses analysis Month end journal preparation and posting. Prepare monthly audit and closing schedules Prepare monthly bank reconciliation Monthly Australia VAT preparation and submission. Quarterly Singapore GST preparation and submission. Quarterly preparation of reconciliation reports for SOX control requirement Liaising with external auditors during quarterly and yearly audit Liaising with tax agent from India on india tax issue Assist the Financial Accountant in all ad-hoc duties as assigned Achievement Involve in moving the manual set of account for India into SAP Involve in change of bank from Citibank to Bank of America SNP Corporation Ltd Accounts Assistant (June 2003 to June 2004) Handle the full spectrum of Accounts Receivable and credit control Ensure timely billings on non-stock related items example rental and advertisement Responsible for proper sort and filing of high volume of tax invoices and credit notes on stock related item Ensure timely posting of all collections received Responsible for customer code creation Prepare month end reports, example sales records and aging reports. Assist the Senior Accountant in all ad-hoc duties as assigned Tee Hai Chem Pte Ltd Accounts Assistant (January to May 2003) Handle the full spectrum of Accounts Receivable Responsib
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Gunsmoke Synthesis Essay -- Television Media TV Essays
Gunsmoke Synthesis Between the years 1952 to 1961, the series Gunsmoke was broadcasted across the nation. The show gave people insight into a past life of men who carried guns, fought for what was theirs, and showed that even the hardest people could be tamed. It was a time when the heroes of the old west started settling down, and in doing so they were either good guys like sheriffs, or they were bad guys that robbed people or places. From the stories of Gunsmoke the central character was a U.S. Marshall named Matt Dillon. He was calm, steady, and easy to talk with. In Gunsmoke we see a man that takes his job seriously, from helping those in need to catching the wanted. The thing about Matt Dillon that catches you is that even though he has a sidekick he does things by himself as if he was trying to make sure that no one else got hurt. For example in "Skid Row" when he went to get Mr. Hordbee, he told no one what he was up to. In the episode "Bloody Hands" Marshall Matt Dillon stopped the two men Mr. Showmen and Mr. Gourd from fighting after he had told Chester, his deputy...
Video Game Violence Essay -- Legal Issues, Violent Video Games
ââ¬Å"Video Game Violence Does Not Cause Violent Tendenciesâ⬠An In-Depth Look at Video Game Violence and its Positives Effects ââ¬Å"On Tuesday, November 2, while the rest of the country was voting, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in Schwarzenegger v. EMA, the landmark case in which the state of California is petitioning for the re-instatement of a California law banning the sale of deviant or morbid violent video games to minorsâ⬠(Macris). This case is a current example of the opponents of video games trying to prove video games are a bad influence on children and teenagers. Violent video game opponents have always tried to disprove the positive effects of video games. They also have been known to make up and mislead with tales of terrible side effects. This essay will prove to the reader that many of these various statements against video games and their creators are false. Contrary to opposition arguments, video games actually present benefits to gamers by reducing stress, providing entertainment, and helping to develop motivation that could not otherwise be achieved through conventional means. This essay will attempt to prove, that statements made regarding the inappropriateness of video games are untrue. The advantage of playing video games can be proven in their ability to enhance learning, hand-eye coordination, and this in turn can enable children and teenagers to do better in school. Violent video games can help overcome anxiety by providing entertainment without leaving the house, taking everyday stresses out on the characters in the game instead of real life, takes the adolescentââ¬â¢s minds off worries and stress of the outside world, and encourages children to stay out of trouble. Video games c... ... methodologies and the intrusion of ideology and scientific dogmaâ⬠(Ferguson 11). Violent Video Games do not cause increased violent tendencies in youth and adolescents due to the fact violent video games have been around for years and in those years violence caused by teens have actually been dropping rather than increasing. Also, violent video games have been shown through research that the negatives are highly outweighed by the positives. Also, with the introduction of interactive gaming there are a new range of possibilities for violent video games. Such as sending a message to children about healthy activities by getting them off of the couch. So hopefully in five years violent video games will have moved to full interactive gaming so that it looks more real-life, but more importantly that it will still be a form of media that helps to relive personal stress. Video Game Violence Essay -- Legal Issues, Violent Video Games ââ¬Å"Video Game Violence Does Not Cause Violent Tendenciesâ⬠An In-Depth Look at Video Game Violence and its Positives Effects ââ¬Å"On Tuesday, November 2, while the rest of the country was voting, the Supreme Court of the United States heard oral arguments in Schwarzenegger v. EMA, the landmark case in which the state of California is petitioning for the re-instatement of a California law banning the sale of deviant or morbid violent video games to minorsâ⬠(Macris). This case is a current example of the opponents of video games trying to prove video games are a bad influence on children and teenagers. Violent video game opponents have always tried to disprove the positive effects of video games. They also have been known to make up and mislead with tales of terrible side effects. This essay will prove to the reader that many of these various statements against video games and their creators are false. Contrary to opposition arguments, video games actually present benefits to gamers by reducing stress, providing entertainment, and helping to develop motivation that could not otherwise be achieved through conventional means. This essay will attempt to prove, that statements made regarding the inappropriateness of video games are untrue. The advantage of playing video games can be proven in their ability to enhance learning, hand-eye coordination, and this in turn can enable children and teenagers to do better in school. Violent video games can help overcome anxiety by providing entertainment without leaving the house, taking everyday stresses out on the characters in the game instead of real life, takes the adolescentââ¬â¢s minds off worries and stress of the outside world, and encourages children to stay out of trouble. Video games c... ... methodologies and the intrusion of ideology and scientific dogmaâ⬠(Ferguson 11). Violent Video Games do not cause increased violent tendencies in youth and adolescents due to the fact violent video games have been around for years and in those years violence caused by teens have actually been dropping rather than increasing. Also, violent video games have been shown through research that the negatives are highly outweighed by the positives. Also, with the introduction of interactive gaming there are a new range of possibilities for violent video games. Such as sending a message to children about healthy activities by getting them off of the couch. So hopefully in five years violent video games will have moved to full interactive gaming so that it looks more real-life, but more importantly that it will still be a form of media that helps to relive personal stress.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Ion :: essays research papers
There is a deep sense of realism that lies in the play Ion. The opening of the play arouses an old wrong, the seduction of Creusa by Apollo, which slowly develops into a tangled plot of deceit. The theme of the play is unique in how it is centered on a human dilemma that many can associate with in some way. à à à à à From the beginning, one can only imagine the outcome of Apolloââ¬â¢s seduction of Creusa. To make matters worse she has a child. There is an uncanny feeling of darkness and silence as she is made to keep her lips sealed. It appears that she gave up her son from fear of her parents. Like many young girls today she made a drastic decision in order to conceal her pregnancy. Apollo in this play is given human attributes. He is depicted as a barbarian who truly lacks the goodness of a god. Indeed a critical problem has developed with Apolloââ¬â¢s seduction of Creusa. à à à à à Apollo from the beginning is perceived as a demanding figure. Creusa is seen as the passive figure with no say in her circumstances. How could a mortal expect to make a god care for a child? This is where Euripides attempts to bind the mortals and the gods together. Apollo and Creusa share a common problem, and each makes different decisions in how they will go about solving that problem. à à à à à Immediately after Creusa leaves Ion in the cave, Apollo rescues him. Apolloââ¬â¢s actions are strange in that he goes as far as to catch the soul of the priestess so that she would care for his son but yet refused to give aid to Creusa. As a youth, Ion is appointed as a guard of Apolloââ¬â¢s gold, then an altar attendant and later the chief caretaker. Ion knows nothing of his birth, and asks no questions because of his deep respect for Apollo. He is happy in his service to the gods never knowing the agony that his mother is suffering as she longs for her lost son. It is critical to recognize that throughout the story no one acknowledges Apollo as the agitator of all the problems. Creusa marries Xuthus and they find themselves unable to have children. While she longs to have a child, she can only regret the loss of her son years ago. Because they desire to have children, they go to Delphi to consult the gods. Ion :: essays research papers There is a deep sense of realism that lies in the play Ion. The opening of the play arouses an old wrong, the seduction of Creusa by Apollo, which slowly develops into a tangled plot of deceit. The theme of the play is unique in how it is centered on a human dilemma that many can associate with in some way. à à à à à From the beginning, one can only imagine the outcome of Apolloââ¬â¢s seduction of Creusa. To make matters worse she has a child. There is an uncanny feeling of darkness and silence as she is made to keep her lips sealed. It appears that she gave up her son from fear of her parents. Like many young girls today she made a drastic decision in order to conceal her pregnancy. Apollo in this play is given human attributes. He is depicted as a barbarian who truly lacks the goodness of a god. Indeed a critical problem has developed with Apolloââ¬â¢s seduction of Creusa. à à à à à Apollo from the beginning is perceived as a demanding figure. Creusa is seen as the passive figure with no say in her circumstances. How could a mortal expect to make a god care for a child? This is where Euripides attempts to bind the mortals and the gods together. Apollo and Creusa share a common problem, and each makes different decisions in how they will go about solving that problem. à à à à à Immediately after Creusa leaves Ion in the cave, Apollo rescues him. Apolloââ¬â¢s actions are strange in that he goes as far as to catch the soul of the priestess so that she would care for his son but yet refused to give aid to Creusa. As a youth, Ion is appointed as a guard of Apolloââ¬â¢s gold, then an altar attendant and later the chief caretaker. Ion knows nothing of his birth, and asks no questions because of his deep respect for Apollo. He is happy in his service to the gods never knowing the agony that his mother is suffering as she longs for her lost son. It is critical to recognize that throughout the story no one acknowledges Apollo as the agitator of all the problems. Creusa marries Xuthus and they find themselves unable to have children. While she longs to have a child, she can only regret the loss of her son years ago. Because they desire to have children, they go to Delphi to consult the gods.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Raquel Browning, a private investigator – Creative Writing
Raquel Browning, a private investigator, sat at the window and watched him walk past. His head was lowered, and his right hand held his overcoat fixed firmly against the wind. She watched him until he was out of her range of sight, then she picked up the telephone. Across the river, on the other side of town, the phone rang once, then again before Mrs Clifford reached over and placed the receiver next to her ear. ââ¬Å"Hello,â⬠she said tentatively. ââ¬Å"I have some news,â⬠came the response from Raquel. ââ¬Å"Go ahead,â⬠Mrs Clifford said as she closed the parlour door. ââ¬Å"He spent the night in a hotel named ââ¬ËThe Lion's Den' with a brunette woman whose name was ââ¬ËLaura'. They dined earlier in the hotel restaurant before retiring to their room. He left at nine o'clock this morning.â⬠ââ¬Å"Is that all?â⬠Mrs Clifford asked. ââ¬Å"Yes, that is all Ma'am; I will have another update soon.â⬠Mrs Clifford listened as the phone was hung up on the other end, and then replaced the receiver. She glanced at the painting on the wall above her. It was of Patrick when he was a little younger. His eyes seemed to pierce hers, and for a second, she almost felt guilty about having him followed. Raquel caught up with him a few blocks from the hotel. As she was trained, she stayed out of his view. She watched as he entered a coffee shop, and then entered the shop after two more people had gone in. She found a table close to Patrick and listened to him order a cappuccino, then the rustle of the newspaper pages as he read it. He didn't seem to be going anywhere, so she ordered an orange juice. After ten minutes, Raquel saw Laura, the woman he had spent the night with, walk into the coffee shop, and after glancing behind her at the street, slide into the seat beside Patrick. ââ¬Å"Were you followed?â⬠Raquel heard Patrick say. ââ¬Å"No,â⬠replied Laura. After that, Patrick and Laura became seemingly oblivious to the world, and started kissing. Raquel rose, paid for her orange juice, and exited the shop. Once she was outside, she crossed the street, turned and took out her camera. She took a quick series of photos of Patrick and Laura, and then put away the camera. Mrs Clifford would be happy she thought, well, as happy as possible. She had proof now, and that's what Mrs Clifford had paid her for. She went home, developed the photos, and placed them in a blank envelope. She addressed the envelope, and then posted the letter. ââ¬ËA job well done', the Private Investigator thought as she tucked her hands into her pockets and started to walk home. Mrs Clifford opened the envelope, and pulled out the photographs. There were six in total, all showing Patrick and Laura in various stages of canoodling. Mrs Clifford's face darkened as she looked at each one. ââ¬ËHow could he? In public?' she thought as the maid, Jenkins walked into the room. She hastily pushed the photographs into the envelope again. The last thing she needed was the staff to be talking about this. ââ¬Å"Tea, Mrs Clifford?â⬠asked Miss Jenkins. ââ¬Å"Yes, Thankyou.â⬠Miss Jenkins poured the tea into a bone china teacup and handed it to Mrs Clifford. Mrs Clifford pulled the photographs out of the envelope again, as Miss Jenkins left the room, and looked at them as she sipped her tea. Mrs Clifford recognised this woman ââ¬ËLaura'. She worked in Patrick's office. The photographs were not enough. She needed to know more. Mrs Clifford picked up the telephone and dialled. ââ¬Å"Browning Private Investigators,â⬠Raquel answered the phone. ââ¬Å"Good Afternoon. It's Mrs Clifford.â⬠ââ¬Å"Good Afternoon Mrs Clifford. I trust you received the photographs? How can I help you?â⬠ââ¬Å"I received the photographs, and they were good, but now I need more.â⬠ââ¬Å"More, Mrs Clifford?â⬠The Private Investigator asked. ââ¬Å"Yes, more. I need to know more about Patrick and this ââ¬ËLaura' woman. I will pay you double the amount I payed you last time.â⬠ââ¬Å"Mrs Clifford, I would be pleased to help you,â⬠Raquel responded. She listened as Mrs Clifford said, ââ¬Å"Well then we're settled,â⬠and hung up. The private investigator wouldn't have taken this job for just anyone, but Mrs Clifford had money to burn, and the private investigator had a hole in her pocket. She grabbed her backpack which had all of her equipment in it, and set off to find Patrick. Raquel found him an hour later, in a shopping mall. He was in a lingerie store, but she couldn't see Laura anywhere. She continued to watch as Patrick looked through all the different things that the shop had to sell. She was taking pictures of this when Laura appeared from one of the change rooms. She walked over to Patrick and exchanged some words, and then Patrick gave her a lacy outfit to try on, kissed her, and left the store. The private investigator was still snapping photographs when he stopped at a jewellery store. She continued taking photographs as he walked up to the counter, and briefly spoke to the saleswoman. The saleswoman disappeared into a back room, and the private investigator stopped taking photographs to replace the film. Once she had done that, she started taking photographs as the saleswoman reappeared with a box in her hand. The saleswoman opened the box revealing a diamond ring. Patrick nodded, and then paid. The private investigator smiled. Mrs Clifford would be happy with her work. She left, and posted the photographs. Mrs Clifford answered the door when Patrick arrived. He had Laura with him. Mrs Clifford already knew what she was about to hear, thanks to the private investigator. She wasn't sure she liked it, but she really had no choice in the matter. She waited for Patrick to say something, and when it came, it was not a surprise. ââ¬Å"Hi mother,â⬠he said, ââ¬Å"I'd like to introduce my fiancà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½e, Laura.â⬠Mrs Clifford smiled as she welcomed her son and future daughter-in-law inside.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
Anabolic Steroids Use And Abuse Health And Social Care Essay
Anabolic sex hormones atomic number 18 produced by synthesising the masculine sex endocrine gland testosterone ( shown supra ) . The right term for these compounds isA an anabolic-androgenic steroid ( AAS ) anabolic intending muscle-building and androgenic signifi derrierece change magnitude male familiar features.Anabolic steroids were set up in the late thirtiess chiefly to dole out hypogonadism ( a status where the testicles do nt do adequate testosterone for development and development, and sexual surgical operation ) . It was discovered that anabolic steroids could assist the drawn muscular tissue grow in query lab animate macrocosms. This led the compounds beingness abuse by muscle builders and weightlifters and so by jocks in an effort to advance their public presentation and/or bump their physical appearance.A It has become so far-flung in sports that it affects the result of athleticss competitions repayable to it being prohibited e.g. Lance Armstron g.Illegal steroids be a great deal s experienced at gyms, competitions, and by dint of mail order operations subsequentlyward being disgraceful into the state. Most guilty steroids in the coupled States ar smuggled from states that do non necessitate a prescription dose for the purchase of steroids e.g. . Steroids ar be lieus illegitimately took from U.S. pharmaceuticss or synthe coatd in secret investigate labs.Other steroids that do nt construct muscularity atomic number 18 cortisol, oestrogen, and Lipo-Lutin. They are non anabolic, and hence do non hold the same harmful cause as testosterone.SyringesDoctors prescribe them to assist mickle with true sorts of anemia steroid endocrine lack i.e. delayed pubescence, and illnesses that outgrowth in loss of thin muscleman spate e.g. malignant neoplastic disease and AIDS. Doctors neer suggest anabolic steroids to puerile, healthy tribe to assist them construct heftinesss. Therefore without a prescription from a atomic number 101, anabolic steroids are illegal.There are m whatever contrasting anabolic-androgenic steroids. Most common 1s pilen at once Andro, oxandrin, dianabol, winstrol, deca-durabolin, and balance.What Are the Common Street call?Juice, gym confect, pumpers, stackers.What are the side make?Steroid mal broodment depose do many unwanted do and can hold serious, possibly lasting, wellness jobs.In pop off stuffBaldness, acneJaundice ( yellowing of tegument or eyes )Fury, Aggressiveness cheek jobs moved(p) meat beat ( due to put on with piddle pills ) , extravagantly production line force per unit area, unstable retentiveness and/or bosom onslaught, Enlargement of the bosom s left ventricle admitledge of chest tissue spicy cholesterol degreesPermanent liver-colored harm, liver tumorsInfertility, increase libidoDiabetessShriveling of the testissIn WomansJaundice ( yellowing of tegument or eyes )Facial hair, acneHeart jobs unnatural bosom beat ( due to enforc e with water pills ) , high blood force per unit area, unstable keeping and/or bosom onslaught, Enlargement of the bosom s left ventricleEffectss on the unborn kid if taken during gestationHigh Cholesterol degreesPermanent liver harm, liver tumorsProblems with periodsEnlarged excepttonDiabetessExcessive growing of organic structure hairMale-pattern baldnessVoice deepening.Other side personal cause may includeMusculoskeletal trunkShort stature ( if taken by striplings )Tendon ruptureCardiovascular systemAdditions in beta-lipoprotein Decreases in HDLLiverCancerPurpura hepatisSkin greasy scalpInfectionHIV/AIDSHepatitisMost of the side personal effect usually halt if medicine use Michigans.Associated with many medicines are two effects cognise as gross profit is a province of opposition to the effects of a dose. These means a individualist must take more of the medicate to accomplish its original consequence.Withdrawal is the re exemplifyion of the organic structure when regular drug usage has stopped. Therefore wad allow go on to utilize the drug to forestall these symptoms.Steroid misuse can anyhow hold an consequence on behavior. Many users report experiencing good active them-selves while utilizing anabolic steroids, but research workers report that utmost temper swings too can happen, including manic-like symptoms taking to force. This is because anabolic steroids act in a portion of the learning ability called the limbic system, which influences temper and is in like manner involve in larning and memory.Steroids can besides take to feelings of depression. Depression, can be life endangering, frequently is seen when the drugs are stopped and this may prepare why people happen to the them. Researchers besides report that users may endure from paranoia, overjealous monster, utmost crossness, psychotic beliefs, and impaired intellect stemming from feelings of indomitability.Most informations on the long-run effects of anabolic s teroids in worlds come from typesetters case studies instead than proper scientific surveies. From these pillowcase studies, nevertheless, the rate of life endangering effects appears to be low, but serious inauspicious effects may be under-recognized or under-report, curiously since they may happen many old ages subsequently. Datas from carnal surveies seem to back up this possibility. angiotensin converting enzyme survey found that exposing male mice for fifth part of their lifetime to steroid doses comparable to those taken by mankind jocks ca apply a high relative frequency of archeozoic deceases.How to diminish side effects of anabolic steroids?The easiest manner to be safe is non to utilize them at all. But if utilizing them one should employment low doses.Do nt portion acicular leafs or panpipes with other people.Use a clean acerate leaf from an unopened bundle with every injection and do. indisputable the injection site is unfertile.Avoid utilizing water pills with anabolic steroids.Avoid utilizing other drugs to treat side effects if they develop.Let your physician k this instant that you are utilizing anabolic steroids and treat about(predicate) it.Make sure you know precisely what tablets you are taking. If you are non veritable what they are, so happen out in the lead you take them. Besides make certain that any tablet you take has non been tampered with.scientific surveies have shown that anabolic steroids better physical public presentation through the consequence of preparation and diet, which accompanies the usage of the drugs.How Are They utilise? both(prenominal) people who abuse steroids public address system pills. Others use subcutaneous acerate leafs to fool away steroids straight into musculuss. Others can be provided in gels or picks that can be utilise to the tegument. Doses taken by maltreaters can be 10 to 100 times higher(prenominal) than the doses used for medical conditions.How are anabolic steroids mistreated?St eroids are abused in forms called cycling . This means taking several(prenominal) doses of steroids over an exact period of clip, followed by a period of remainder ( no drug usage ) , so master griming once more.Users frequently integrate legion different types of steroids. This is a surgical process called stacking. Abusers typically stack the drugs, intending that they take two or more different anabolic steroids, blending unwritten and/or injectable types. Abusers think that the different steroids interact to contribute forth an consequence on musculus size that is greater than the effects of all(prenominal) drug separately. some other manner abusing is known as benefiting. This is a procedure in which users increase the figure of steroids/the dosage and frequence of one or more steroids used at one clip, making a extremum sum at mid-cycle and so diminishing the dosage toward the terminal of the wheel. Often, maltreaters pyramid their doses in rhythms of 6 to 12 h ebdomads. This is sometimes followed by a 2nd rhythm in which the individual continues to develop but without drugs. Abusers believe that pyramiding allows the organic structure clip to set to the high doses, and the drug-free rhythm allows the organic structure s hormonal system clip to retrieve.No scientific yard is available for any of the three methods reference above, so the benefits of them are unknown.Why do people mistreat anabolic steroids?There are several grounds why immature people depress utilizing drugs i.e. because of friends/peer force per unit area. Often, immature people believe that decease or other terrible costs of drug usage will non impact them. Adults may hold same grounds as immature people. Equally good as emphasis of life, occupation, and household force per unit areas may take grownups to utilize drugs succor and/or assist them loosen up. Peoples besides may utilize drugs for a provoke of energy. Others may utilize drugs out of wonder, for a bang, or t o arise. Regardless of why drug usage begins, many people continue the utilizing them because they become dependent on the drug.One of the chief grounds for mistreating steroids is to progress athletic public presentation. Harmonizing to studies, merely 6 % of jocks maltreatment steroids, but subjective information suggests that steroid maltreatment is more widespread. Although proving processs are now in topographic point to discourage steroid maltreatment among professional and surpassing jocks, new intimate decorator drugs ever become available that can baffle away sensing and set jocks ordain to rip off one nib in front of proving attempts. This action to darnel, nevertheless, may be about to switch if the rescue of urine and blood samples for retesting at a hereafter day of the month becomes the criterion. The high chance of eventual sensing of the newer interior decorator steroids, one time the engineering science becomes available, plus the fright of backdated blessi ngs, should give jocks a better ground non to utilize them.Another ground for taking steroids is to increase musculus size or to cut down organic structure fat. This includes people stand from the behavioral syndrome called musculus dysmorphia, which causes them to hold a deformed image of their organic structures. Work force with musculus dysmorphia think that they smelling little and weak, even if they are coarse and muscular. Similarly, adult females with this status think that they pay heed fat and flabby, even though they are really thin and muscular.Some people who abuse steroids to hike musculus size have experienced physical or sexual maltreatment. In one serial of interviews with male weightlifters, 25 % who abused steroids reported memories of childhood physical or sexual maltreatment. Similarly, female weightlifters who had been raped were found to be twice every bit presumable to describe usage of anabolic steroids, compared with those who had non been raped. Furth ermore, about all of those who had been raped reported that they markedly increased their anaerobic exercise activities after the onslaught. They believed that being bigger and stronger would deter far onslaughts because work forces would happen them either frighten or unattractive.Treatment of drug maltreatmentSome physicians use medicine to handle drug dependance. Such medicine alleviations hungering or obstruction the consequence of habit-forming drugs. Methadone is unremarkably used as it has similar effects to opiates.Examples of anabolic steroid maltreatmentThe United States Anti-Doping Agency ( USADA ) has accused multiple racing circuit de France title-holder Lance Armstrong of utilizing anabolic steroids, humanity growing endocrine ( HGH ) , banned corticoids and saline, and blood plasma injections to dissemble the usage of erythropoietin ( EPO ) . USADA charged him with half-dozen offenses covering the usage of prohibited substances, the trafficking of drugs, the giving medication of drugs to team-mates and helping and abetting a monolithic plow between 1998 and 2005. A sum of 26 informants including 11 fellow riders from the United States postal Service squad testified to USADA against Armstrong in the doping instance.Sylvester Stallone has used HGH and testosterone to bulk up for his functions in obdurate and Rambo.The Rock has used Testosterone Cypionate 850MG, Tren Enth 500MG, Dianabol 50MG, 600MG Deca, and 60MG Anavar during his WWE calling.DecisionTo reason anabolic steroids are utile to handle medicinal conditions e.g. low testosterone degrees, but due to the musculus edifice belongingss they are being abused by jocks.
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